Monday, November 10, 2014

Search The Best Health And Safety Courses Online

Employee performance is crucial to every organization. Therefore companies are taking all measures to make sure of this aspect by focusing on environment health and safety. Companies who strive for the best environment health and safety stewards invest in this area. 

In view of sustaining employees and their skills, companies undertake health and safety online courses to make health and safety an asset and operational in a company. These are OSHA certification courses and other like DOT or EPA. Non-compliance penalties can be avoided with up-to date training, thus saving on company money too. 

These courses comprise of practical, earning points in the form of case studies, real life examples etc. This enables a company to retain their employees by assuring their safety. 

Online Finance Courses Are The Best For Empowering And Equipping Employees

We are aware that every organization at all levels works towards fulfilling their objectives for every year and for the organization as a whole. Most jobs involve on the job training, even though the specific individual may be qualified for it. This process of training and learning is continuous. A company or an employee climbs the ladder of success only when they have, made room for more learning and improvement. 

Online learning has become a necessity today and it is known to be far better than ordinary seminar and group teaching. There are E-learning solutions offered for specific nature of work. Finance companies or departments recruits respectively qualified personnel. With global finance courses offered online, employees can get a clearer picture of global banking and the prevailing challenges.

Whether it is at the managerial level or subordinate level, understanding international finance can help in dealing with its effects on the firms working in relation to it. Updating employees on risk management, current challenges faced by financial firms etc. are possible through timely training courses online.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

IT Certification and Career Paths - Cisco Systems

IT Certification and Career Paths - Cisco Systems
As organizations continue to adopt new technologies and infrastructures, the demand for more IT professionals continues to increase. Cisco Career Certifications help prepare IT professionals for successful careers in various roles within the IT industry. 

SkillSoft offers a variety of learning resources to help prepare Cisco Certification Track.  These learning resources include:

  • Courseware                       
  • Test Prep Exams
  • Books
  • Mentoring 
SkillSoft CISCO Certification Preparation Resources

► Cisco Certified Design Professional (CCDP)

► Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT)

►CCNA Routing and Switching 

►Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)

►CCNP Voice (Formerly known as CCVP)

►Cisco IP Communications Express Specialist

►Unique resources for motivation.

►CCNA Voice

►CCNP Security

►Cisco Certified Design Associate (CCDA)

►CCNA Security

SkillSoft Technology Partners in Learning:.
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Five Tips for Dealing with Change in 2014

Author and speaker Sandra Crowe creates awareness of ineffective behaviors and provides methodologies and action steps to offset them while redirecting behavior toward more uplifting interactions between people.
By Sandra Crowe
It’s January. Resolution time. How many of you are making resolutions about how you are going to deal with change this year? Most of us have a fair degree of uncertainty in our lives right now. Given that, here are five tips for thinking about how you think about uncertainty present in your life:
1) Make it ok to live in the “not knowing. As humans we want to know. We want to “brace” ourselves for “what’s next” and pad our punching bag for the next hit. All of us want security, control, and approval and knowing gives us some kind of reassurance, even if it’s bad.
2) Ask what it is you are afraid of (really). More than the fear of the unknown, break down what your core enemy is. Then ask yourself, “How realistic is that?” Look for evidence to the contrary.

Haven’t you had new things to learn before? Didn’t you adapt to your new boss last time? Be careful of the “yes, but…” as you will find excuses popping up to justify your fears.

If the questions you ask yourself determine your destiny, then maybe what you should be asking is, “Who could I become as a result of this learning?” Or even, “What doors could this open?” When you see the possibility it creates, the fear becomes insignificant and the possibilities limitless.
3) Move out of fear and into vision. As you ask these questions, notice how a vision for what’s possible emerges. Fear and vision can’t exist in the same thought. As you begin to think about what you can create or what positive things could be in store for you or your family, you can begin to strategize instead of feeling paralyzed.

4) Ask how others have done it. If you want to create vision but don’t know how, this is the time to ask your network. Get on your social media sites and pose questions about how people have found new jobs, handled a boss, or solved a problem.

If an issue is within the organization, ask others who may be in the know, network up, or ask someone who knows someone. Use it as an opportunity to make connections for knowledge or positioning.
5) Act and let go. Whatever you do, make sure you do something. Being stuck in the fear is not only paralyzing, but also reinforcing. It can be a vicious cycle if you let it be. Dig yourself out of the fear conversation by setting a number of actions to challenge yourself. After you act, let go of any outcome you think needs to happen (hard to do, but critical).
Doing all this won’t get rid of the fact that you don’t know, but will help you better prepare and offset the angst you have around it. Once the angst is down, you will be better positioned to do what you need to do from a place of greater peace and acceptance.
Learn more
Watch a short video of Sandra Crowe on Managing Your Resentments from Skillsoft's Leadership Channel™